Football Season Weekly Specials
We’re trying something new for this football season. Starting 9/14 (for Week #3 pickup/delivery; 9/22, 9/25 or 9/26 games) Smokey by Nature will have weekly specials you can purchase for your game day (college or professional) meals.
Here’s the 411:
Weekly Specials will be released Wednesdays on social media and then updated on the website.
The specials will be for the following week’s Thursday night, Saturday or Sunday games (see example below).
Once the specials are released, you’ll have until that Sunday to order for the next week’s Thursday, Saturday, & Sunday games.
Example Schedule
Thursday game pick-up/deliveries: To be coordinated when ordering.
Friday pick-ups: We will be at specific locations each Friday to pick-up food for Saturday/Sunday games. The location will be listed on the weekly special digital flyer.
Saturday/Sunday deliveries: In the case a customer can’t pick-up their order on Friday, all delivery arrangements will follow our special delivery fee charges listed below.
Delivery fee: $5 within 10 miles; $10 10-20 miles; $30 20-50 miles; over 50 miles requires shipping.
Merchandise! AKA, “free advertising”: At each pick-up, I will have shirts for sale. These will be different shirts than are on the web-site….but still dope!